Cormac Dalton (centre), pictured here with Eoin Quinn and Oisín Lane when they received North Midlands Credit Union bursaries, has broken the 4-minute mile mark.

First sub-4 minute mile for Cormac Dalton


Congratulations to Cormac Dalton on running his first sub-4 minute mile. Cormac recorded a time of 3 minutes 59.51 seconds at the Monument Mile Classic in Stirling, Scotland last Saturday evening. Cormac now joins Mark Christie on the club list of sub-4 minute mile performers. Cormac’s 1,500m split was 3 minutes 44.05 seconds, also a personal best.

A sub-4 minute mile remains one of the iconic barriers in the sport and this was another demonstration of international class from Cormac. As current national cross country champion, top-eight European cross country finisher, and European 10,000m representative on the track, this performance highlights Cormac’s outstanding range as an athlete [JR].

Sean McMullin, World Masters 10k Race Walk bronze medal winner.

World Bronze for Sean McMullin

Sean McMullin began his campaign at the World Masters T&F in Gothenburg, Sweden last Tuesday week (20 Aug) when he toed the line for the 5,000m track walk. Unfortunately, a recurrence of a niggle in his knee robbed him of his best and despite a great effort, he had to settle for a seventh place finish in 33:00.16. Sean wasn’t finished though, and he competed in the 20k road walk on Sunday. The longer distance actually suits Sean better and from the start, he moved into second place and settled into his rhythm. Caught at 7k, Sean was locked in a battle to 9k but was then passed and dropped into third, a position he maintained to the finish, comfortably clear of fourth place, to win a world bronze medal.

After a great sixth place finish in the 10k road walk only two days before, Colm Walsh was back in action again last Monday week (19 Aug) when he competed in the 5,000m race walk on the track at the Bjorlanda Stadium. Despite having only two days of recovery after the 10k walk, Colm felt quite fresh and quickly settled into his race and was right up with the leading group most of the way in fifth place.

With 600m to go, he pushed hard to try to close on fourth place; slowly narrowing the gap, he remained in fifth across the line, third European man to finish and despite no medal, he was happy with his time of 25:39.68, his quickest in several years [CW/GD].

Most (though not all) of the big squad from Mullingar Harriers who competed in the Castlepollard 5k

Castlepollard 5k

Having had to cancel last year, the well-regarded Castlepollard 5k made a welcome return last Wednesday evening and the North Westmeath AC event attracted a good entry of 239. Starting and finishing in Castlepollard, the route included a picturesque section through the beautiful grounds of Tullynally Castle, so it was dubbed the ‘Tullynally Challenge’. On a bright but breezy evening, 34 athletes from Mullingar Harriers made their presence felt on a course that had plenty of straight and level running mixed in with a few stiff inclines in the Castle grounds and on the exit back towards the village.

Diarmuid Fagan, Ross Killelea and James Keegan were always in contention at the head of affairs. In the last 500m, Sean Doran of Clonliffe Harriers shook of the Mullingar men to take first place in 15:40, followed closely by Diarmuid in second place (15:46), Ross in third (16:00), just ahead of James in fourth (16:05). Jamie Wallace finished an excellent sixth place in 16:40. Claire Fagan was always in control of the women’s race and came home ninth and first woman in 17:17. There were master category wins for Eddie Newman (18:24), Mary Stuart (20:04), Brigid McCabe (24:26) and Nuala Moran (25:26).

Also competing well was Griffin Kearney (17:19), Conor Liston (17:22), Gerard Gavin second in his master category (17:33), Alan Crowley second in his master category (17:41), Enda Seery (18:32), Kamil Orenczuk (18:47), Kieran Nolan (19:00), Tom McGrath (19:09), Mick Fagan (19:30), Jacintha Reilly (20:09), Jason McKevitt (20:32), Conleth Mullen (20:38), Orlaith Flanagan (20:45), Linda Cunningham (22:16), Caroline Mullen (22:31), Brendan Rice (23:07), Lorraine Claffey (23:08), Michael Purdue (23:23), Martin Mullen (23:59), Ray Smyth (24:30), Kevin O’Brien (24:31), Declan Costello (25:06), Robert Troy (25:30), Liam McGlynn and Breda McDonnell, placing second in her master category [MO’S].

Celbridge 5k

The annual Celbridge 5k last Thursday evening started and finished at the Celbridge AC grounds and the flat and fast course took the 487 athletes who ran through a looped course on the outskirts of the town. Three Mullingar Harriers athletes competed with distinction. Ann Hall (18:45) and Glenda Shaw (18:46) had a great personal battle and finished third and fourth respectively in their master category. Just 24 hours after her exploits in Castlepollard, Mary Stuart was again on the podium, easily winning her master category in 19:57 [MO’S].

Lily Walsh with her Community Games National 800m U14 gold medal.

Community Games National T&F Finals

Having qualified through their areas and county final (and also Leinster final for some), a big number of the club’s juvenile members competed in the Community Games National T&F finals in SETU Carlow last Sunday. Over a long day of competition from early morning to late evening, they all competed with pride for Westmeath and gave great accounts on the national stage. We don’t have all the results to hand, but a big shout out to Lily Walsh, who won the 800m U14, and to Finn Roddy, who took bronze in the 200m U16.

Others who competed with distinction include Seth Walsh (U14 javelin), Donnacha Doyle (U14 long jump), Clodagh Keane (100m U12), Aoibhe Martyn (100m U14), Joel Kelly (100m U14, semi-final), Beibhinn O’Reilly (200m U14 200m, semi-final), Emily Coyne (200m U10), Mel Bohan (200m U10), Chloe Bell (800m U14), Antonio Bertolo (800m u14, final), Emma Lagan (1,500m U16), Conor Walsh (1,500m U16, final), Daniel Cummins (600m U12, final), Penny Bohan (600m U12), Heather Kelly (60m hurdles U10, qualified to final), Lily McDonald (U12 ball throw) and Conor Kiernan (80m U8, semi-final). Members of relay teams include Heather Kelly (U10), Cillian Martyn (U12), and Clodagh Keane, Katie Bohan, Penny Bohan and Lily McDonald (U12).


Finally, the executive and members of Mullingar Harriers wish to extend sincere sympathy to Joe Ryan and the entire Ryan family, including Joe’s brothers and sister Dave, Pat and Miriam, on the recent death of his mother, Margaret. May she rest in peace.

Check the club’s website at or Facebook page for updates.