Members of the Dalton Park Residents Association committee with the winners and sponsors of the garden competition.
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Enjoying the fun day were, Sylvia Gilmore, James Glynn, Anne Fadian, Anne Kavanagh, Anthony Gilmore, Sophia Gilmore, Annie Nevin, Mena Connors and Ollie Conway.
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Enjoying the fun day were, Josh Collins, Kathleen Dinnegan, Alice Creighton and Evie Corroon.
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Tony Condron, winner of the gardening competition accepts his prize from James Burke, president of Mullingar Chamber, sponsor.
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Kathleen Dinnegan accepts her award for second place in the garden competition from sponsor Pat Leavy of Slanemore Nursery.
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Peter and Pauline Courtney receive their prize for third place in the garden competition, sponsored by Railway House B&B, and presented on their behalf by Rosie McCormack.
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Seamus Smyth accepts his prize for fourth place in the gardening competition from John Bawle of Mullingar Tidy Towns, who was representing the sponsor, Maxol Garage, Dublin Road.
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The Dalton Park Residents Association committee – Tricia Jones, Paul Carr, Mai Plunkett, Yvonne Bell, Phil Irwin and Sylvia Gilmore.
The residents group in Dalton Park organised a get-together on Sunday afternoon to build community connections and to celebrate the winners of the garden competition organised in conjunction with Mullingar Tidy Towns.
Yvonne Bell, a member of the Dalton Park Residents Association explained what was happening: “We decided this year to run a fun day with the help of the county council and the Tidy Towns, and also to judge the gardens in the area.
The Tidy Towns have been watching the gardens over a number of weeks; they have made a decision and the winners receive their prizes today. “They picked 40 gardens and then they narrowed it down to four.”
Yvonne also thanked Apache Pizza, Mullingar, who provided food on the day; Paul Cloghan, the magician who had the children spellbound with his antics, and Charlie Guinan the ice cream van man, who was doing good trade selling treats at prices subsidised by the residents group.
Sheryl Keenan from Westmeath Community Development was also present for the event; she and her colleagues are working Empowering Communities Programme, supporting residents associations and community groups in Dalton Park.