Siobhán Moore, Beth Finn and Ursula Maher.

Mindfulness charity day could be annual fixture

By Jayde G Forde

In a heartwarming display of community spirit and creativity, a small idea blossomed into a day dedicated to mindfulness, wellbeing, and charity at Mullingar Arts Centre on Saturday of last week.

The initiative, spearheaded by head of dance Siobhán Moore, began with a simple conversation and evolved into an event that brought together residents, local businesses, and charitable organisations.

The seed for the event was planted during a reflective moment for Siobhán. “I had this idea, and I was scared to act on it,” she said. “But after a wonderful conversation with a friend, the idea began to take shape.

"Then, one night, as I was about to go to bed, I was visited by a persistent moth. It felt like a sign, urging me to move forward. The next morning at 9, I decided to create an account and put the plan into motion.”

Originally, the concept was straightforward: host an event at the arts centre, but as the idea grew, so did its scope, and Siobhán decided to collaborate with a charity, and chose A Lust For Life – a cause that resonated deeply with her.

The mission was to raise awareness and funds for the charity while promoting mindfulness and happiness.

The event gained momentum as local facilities and businesses volunteered to participate, offering their spaces and services, contributing to a day that focused on mindfulness and the simple joys.

“It’s about taking time out, relaxing, enjoying a coffee with a friend, or walking barefoot in the grass – things that don’t cost money but bring immense happiness,” Siobhán said.

Among the participants was Olive MacDonagh, owner of Butterfly Cottage Retreat in Delvin, who specialises in yoga, meditation, and sound healing. “I help people come out of the busyness of life and move back into their bodies, into their hearts, and into a peaceful, calm mind,” Olive said.

“The work I do, whether it’s one-on-one treatments, workshops, or corporate sessions, brings huge benefits through music meditation.”

Olive’s Butterfly Cottage Retreat has won several awards, and it provided a serene backdrop for her contributions to the event. “I have a stone circle, a labyrinth for meditation – it’s a beautiful little piece of heaven,” she said.

Delighted to be invited, Olive conducted a music meditation session for children in the morning, and a session for adults later in the day. “The kids’ session was fun and uplifting, while the adult session focused on relaxation and peaceful energy,” she added.

There were taster classes and workshops throughout the day, giving participants a chance to explore new activities like yoga, meditation, and dance, there were also opportunities for local businesses to connect and collaborate.

“Some of these people didn’t even know each other before today. Now, they’re working together, supporting each other, and building something wonderful,” Siobhán said. The day culminated in a small, intimate theatrical event, blending the arts and wellbeing.

Reflecting on the day, Siobhán expressed her gratitude and hopes for the future. “I spent the last three months dedicated to this project, and all I wanted was to create a happy day. Seeing the smiles on the kids’ faces, the calmness in the room, and the way everyone came together was priceless.”

The hope is that this day of mindfulness and charity will become an annual fixture. “Who knows? Maybe next year, we’ll raise even more money for charity and bring even more people together,” Siobhán said.