Anam Cara to hold Midlands support meeting next week

September can be a difficult time for bereaved parents, as it marks the beginning of a new year in terms of school. The holidays are over, the long evenings have begun to get shorter and the schoolbags have reappeared once again.

Many milestones are achieved during the month of September, milestones that the children of bereaved parents will never get to mark.

On Wednesday of next week, September 11, Anam Cara will hold their Midlands meeting in The Mullingar Park Hotel at 7:15pm. All bereaved parents from the Midlands area are welcome, regardless of the age their child died or circumstances of their death. There is no need to register, just arrive on the evening at 7:15pm.

Anam Cara is the only organisation of its kind in Ireland with services available to all bereaved parents, and they will hold fourteen face to face meetings throughout the month od September. All their support services are free of charge.

Operations Manager, Leanne Milligan reflected “at this time of the year, we can all get caught up with the return to school, the return to routine and our busy lives continuing, but for those missing loved ones, time remains still. It is important to understand that less obvious occasions such as the return to school, can be hugely triggering”. She continued “Anam Cara was launched in 2008, in recognition of the need for a safe space for those bereaved. Somewhere to let their mask drop, where others who have lived this nightmare, can understand”.