An image of what the completed work on the bridge would look like.

Work on Saunders Bridge to start in coming weeks - Troy

Construction work is due to commence on the planned pedestrian footbridge at Saunders Bridge in Mullingar in the coming weeks, says Deputy Robert Troy.

The local TD was informed by Westmeath County Council (WCC), in response to a query, that it is anticipated a contractor will be appointed shortly and that construction is expected to begin in early October.

Deputy Troy said: “I’m delighted to confirm that progress is being made on the proposed footbridge at Saunders Bridge. There has been substantial residential development in recent years along the Ardmore Road – the road urgently needs better walking and cycling facilities, which the council have introduced.

“They have done immense work, but Saunders Bridge remained a safety issue so I’m pleased that the bridge will be upgraded for pedestrians before the end of the year.

“It is anticipated that a contract will be awarded shortly and that works could start later this month or early next month. It is positive news for a vital piece of infrastructure, needed to improve safety for pedestrians at a busy junction.”

Westmeath County Council told Deputy Troy the tender for the construction of the bridge was published in recent months and the tender period has now closed.

In correspondence WCC added: “Evaluation of tender returns is currently under way to identify a preferred contractor. Once a preferred contractor is identified, WCC will be seeking approval from the NTA to proceed to appoint the contractor. Subject to NTA approval, it is planned to commence construction in Q4 this year.”