Milltown River Family Fun Day at Milltownpass

A large crowd descended on Milltownpass last Sunday to attend a family fun day organised by the local Tidy Towns committee to showcase works being done to improve their local river. The atmosphere was vibrant with music, face painting, inflatable games, biodiversity workshops, arts and crafts, and plenty more to entertain the kids.

National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) district officer Damian Murtagh was present to share information on bog rehabilitation and on the ongoing works being carried out to restore Milltownpass Bog NHA.

Cathal Flood, community water officer, with the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) carried out kick sampling on the river and the children had fun identifying the macroinvertebrates in the water.

The event was funded by LAWPRO and the Community Waters Development Fund 2024 and Westmeath County Council Festival and Events Grant.

Event organiser Aoife Lynskey said: “We were delighted with the huge turnout this year. This was our third year to host the Milltown River Family Fun Day and it has been a real hit with the community.

“Our primary objective with it was to raise awareness of our work to improve the water quality and restore the habitat of the Milltown River, which is currently ‘at risk’ of not meeting European Water Framework Directive (WFD) objectives.

“It’s been such a popular event locally and we’re confident that we’ve achieved our main objective in a really fun and inclusive way. Milltown River is one of the most inland points for salmon spawning in the Boyne Catchment. Their conservation status in Ireland is classified as vulnerable due to a decline in abundance and they require good water quality to survive.

“We believe we’re on a trajectory to restore the water quality to ‘good’ status over the coming years, which is a really exciting prospect.”

The Tidy Towns team would like to extend a special thanks to the funders, the volunteers and to all who provided services or hosted workshops on the day.

A large crowd descended on Milltownpass last Sunday to attend a family fun day organised by the local Tidy Towns committee to showcase works being done to improve their local river. The atmosphere was vibrant with music, face painting, inflatable games, biodiversity workshops, arts and crafts, and plenty more to entertain the kids.

National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) district officer Damian Murtagh was present to share information on bog rehabilitation and on the ongoing works being carried out to restore Milltownpass Bog NHA. Cathal Flood, community water officer, with the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) carried out kick sampling on the river and the children had fun identifying the macroinvertebrates in the water.

The event was funded by LAWPRO and the Community Waters Development Fund 2024 and Westmeath County Council Festival and Events Grant.

Event organiser Aoife Lynskey said: “We were delighted with the huge turnout this year. This was our third year to host the Milltown River Family Fun Day and it has been a real hit with the community.

“Our primary objective with it was to raise awareness of our work to improve the water quality and restore the habitat of the Milltown River, which is currently ‘at risk’ of not meeting European water framework directive (WFD) objectives.

“It’s been such a popular event locally and we’re confident that we’ve achieved our main objective in a really fun and inclusive way. Milltown River is one of the most inland points for salmon spawning in the Boyne Catchment. Their conservation status in Ireland is classified as vulnerable due to a decline in abundance and they require good water quality to survive.

“We believe we’re on a trajectory to restore the water quality to ‘good’ status over the coming years, which is a really exciting prospect.”

The Tidy Towns team would like to extend a special thanks to the funders, the volunteers and to all who provided services or hosted workshops on the day.