Careers in sustainability a rapid growth area in midlands


The Midlands Career Expo is back this year in the Mullingar Park Hotel on Saturday, September 14, and one of the topics it will focus on is the rapidly growing area of careers in sustainability.

The need to balance economic growth with environmental protection has never been more urgent and this shift is creating a wealth of career opportunities across various sectors. From renewable energy and green construction to environmental consultancy and education, the demand for professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills to drive Ireland’s sustainability agenda is on the rise. For those seeking a career that combines purpose with innovation, sustainability offers an attractive path.

Growing Demand for Green Skills

Ireland’s commitment to sustainability is reflected in its ambitious targets set under the Climate Action Plan, which aims for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The plan has stimulated a demand for green skills across the economy. According to the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), the transition to a low-carbon economy could create up to 100,000 new jobs by 2030. Many of those new jobs are already beginning to materialise in the midlands and will span a range of industries, from energy production and transport to construction and waste management.

One of the key areas where job opportunities are expanding is renewable energy. Ireland’s wind and solar sectors are growing rapidly, driven by the country’s abundant natural resources and government incentives. Professionals with expertise in renewable energy engineering, project management, and environmental assessment are in high demand. Additionally, roles in energy efficiency, such as retrofitting existing buildings to improve their energy performance, are becoming increasingly important as Ireland strives to reduce its carbon footprint.

For those interested in entering this field, TUS in Athlone offers a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Mechanical Engineering with Energy and Environmental Engineering, which equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to address contemporary energy demands facing industry, including sustainability and environmental considerations.

Similarly, TUS in Limerick also offers a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Renewable and Electrical Energy Engineering, which equips students with the technical knowledge and skills required to work in this rapidly growing sector.

Green Construction

The construction industry is another sector where sustainability is creating new career opportunities. Green construction, which involves designing and building structures that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient, is gaining momentum in Ireland. This includes the use of sustainable materials, energy-efficient building techniques, and the integration of renewable energy systems into buildings.

Careers in construction are not limited to architects and engineers; they also extend to project managers, environmental consultants, and sustainability officers who ensure that projects will meet green standards.

Environmental Consultancy and Policy Development

As businesses and governments strive to meet sustainability goals and standards, there is a growing need for environmental consultants who can provide expert advice on how to reduce environmental impact and comply with regulations. These professionals work across various industries, helping organisations to implement sustainable practices, conduct environmental impact assessments, and develop strategies to achieve sustainability targets.

In addition to consultancy, there are opportunities in policy development, where professionals can contribute to the creation and implementation of environmental policies for local and national government as well as at European level. This is particularly relevant in the context of the European Union’s Green Deal, which aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Ireland’s participation in this initiative is likely to stimulate demand for policy analysts, advisors, and advocates with expertise in sustainability.

Midlands Career Expo

The shift towards sustainability is not just a trend; it is a fundamental change in how Ireland approaches economic development and environmental protection. As the country works towards its sustainability targets, the demand for skilled professionals in this area will continue to grow, offering a wide range of career opportunities for those interested in making a positive impact.

For students, professionals considering a career change, or anyone with a passion for the environment, now is the time to explore the emerging opportunities in sustainability and the Midlands Career Expo provides the ideal opportunity.

Whether it’s in renewable energy, green construction, environmental consultancy, or education and research, the possibilities are vast and varied. By pursuing a career in sustainability, individuals can play a crucial role in shaping a greener, more sustainable future for Ireland.

The Sustainable Careers event as part of the Midlands Careers Expo on September 14 in the Mullingar Park Hotel will be hosted by Paul Mahon from Watt Footprint and the keynote speaker will be Shane O’Reilly of KPMG Sustainable Futures.

If you want to know more about how you can make a change locally and learn about some local renewable energy initiatives, you can find information on the Mullingar Sustainable Energy Community website at


Local minister to officially open Midlands Career Expo