Kathryn Keenan, who is retiring after 25 years as principal of Emper National School, with Mary Walsh, board of management, on Friday evening. A Mass celebrated in St Matthew’s Church, Emper, by Very Rev William Fitzsimons, was followed by a function in the Rustic Inn, Abbeyshrule. (More next week.)

Kathryn signs off after 25 years as Emper principal

Hundreds gathered on Friday evening last to pay tribute to Kathryn Keenan, who is retiring after 25 years as principal of Emper National School.

A special Mass was celebrated in St Matthew’s Church, Emper, by Very Rev William Fitzsimons, with whom Kathryn has enjoyed a great rapport for the last quarter of a century.

The Mass was followed by a function in the Rustic Inn, Abbeyshrule.

Many presentations were made to Kathryn on behalf of the school and the community.

Among them was a special performance by pupils from Emper NS of a song of gratitude, written by Sarah Flanagan, a teacher in the school, with music composed by pupil Tomas Maxwell Duggan.

The performance was introduced by the Fairy Godmother of Emper NS – Mary Finnegan – in full fairy godmother regalia.

Past pupils paid tribute to Kathryn who, they said, made them who they are today.

They included Deputy Robert Troy, whose mother, Sarah Troy, was Kathryn’s predecessor, Patrick Byrne, and the two pupils who made up sixth class in 1999 when Kathryn took over – James Walsh and Conor O’Farrell.

Reference was made to how the school has grown in numbers since Kathryn took over. The building has doubled in size with the addition of a general purpose room, a project that was spearheaded by her.

The school has recorded many achievements during the last quarter of a century, and Kathryn’s crowning glory came this year when a group of her students won the All-Ireland Concern debating competition.

One of Kathryn’s mottoes was “from little acorns, oak trees grow”, and an oak tree was planted by Emper Community Development in her honour.

In response to the tributes, Kathryn said she was “filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and joy”. She thanked Very Rev Fr William Fitzsimons for the “beautiful Mass” he celebrated.

“Fr Fitzsimons is going on 93 and is chairman of the boards of management in three schools. He is a gift that simply keeps on giving”, she said.

She thanked the pupils for the “laughter, enthusiasm, and boundless energy that they brought into the classroom”, the staff for their diligence and hard work, the community and her extended family for their support, and all those who organised the celebration.