This photo taken last Friday morning illustrates the extent of the traffic queues in Kilbeggan.

Traffic 'at standstill in Kilbeggan'

A Kilbeggan-based councillor was told at the September meeting of the Municipal District of Athlone Moate that pedestrians “will always have the highest priority” under Active Travel measures, when he raised the issue of traffic being “at a standstill” in the town since schools reopened in the last two weeks.

Cllr Liam McDaniel, current cathaoirleach of Westmeath County Council, said motorists in Kilbeggan are “fed up” of the works being carried out in the town which he says have resulted in traffic at the two main junctions grinding to a complete halt.

“There are over 700 kids in the new secondary school and over 200 in the primary school and the road cannot cope with the amount of traffic” said Cllr McDaniel.

“It’s the same story morning after morning – the traffic at a standstill – and I am going to bear the brunt of this.

He wanted to know if anything could be done to alleviate the congestion in Kilbeggan, which he described as “totally unacceptable”, and he wanted to know if the roundabout which had been removed could be reinstated.

Director of services, Willie Ryan, had no good news for the exasperated councillor, and told him firmly that, under Active Travel measures, pedestrians would “always get priority.”

Mr Ryan said he was “aware of the increasing problems in Kilbeggan” as was Pat Nally, who is in charge of the Active Travel section of Westmeath County Council.

“We have asked Pat to observe the traffic in Kilbeggan today, but roundabouts are not considered appropriate and pedestrians will always have the highest priority under Active Travel,” he added.

He said he would “await the findings” of the Active Travel team and would keep “a watching brief” on the traffic situation in Kilbeggan.

“The fact that work is ongoing on the roads in Kilbeggan makes the situation a bit more tricky to deal with,” said Mr Ryan.

Cllr McDaniel also tabled a question at last week’s municipal district meeting in relation to the works on the old Dublin Road and the Crescent Junction in Kilbeggan and sought an update on when those would be complete. “Can the views of the many people who contacted me by email be taken into account?” he asked.

Mr Ryan said the update he had received from Mr Nally and the Active Travel office had stated that the “overall traffic situation will improve” in Kilbeggan when the temporary traffic lights are removed.

The written council response to Cllr McDaniel’s question stated that works on the Old Dublin Road and the Crescent Junction in Kilbeggan are planned “to be completed in Kilbeggan by mid-October 2024”.