Mr McHale with special guest Darren Fenton.

‘It’s inspiring to see young people make a difference’


This year’s awards event at St Finian’s College recognised past pupils who have excelled in the area of enterprise, as well as students from the current enrolment who have excelled in many fields.

Darren Fenton, COO of the Bevcraft Group, and his colleague an co-founder Ciarán Gorman, CFO of Bevcraft, graduated from St Finian’s in 2006, and now run what is the European leader in the craft can packaging sector. Ciarán was unable to be present at the awards event last Thursday, but Darren accepted an award from the school for himself and for Ciarán, and addressed the students.

He said it is inspiring to see young people “strive to make a difference across such a broad spectrum of disciplines – sports, enterprise, academia, religious studies. At a time when maybe society and the world seem to be in a state of chaos, we should not underestimate the difference that our individual contributions can make to those around us.

“I have no doubt that many of you will go on to do great things in your chosen fields, both here at home and abroad. Many of you are probably focused on what you want to do once you finish school or college, perhaps start a business, be a doctor, be a carpenter – whatever you may want to be – and I am sure some of you are far less certain. So, to those of you who are in that mode, I just want to say, ‘don’t panic’.

“I had no idea that within 10 years of leaving school, I’d be involved in running my own business across seven countries, employing 60 people. It can take time to figure out your passion and your own skill set. So be guided by your teachers, your parents, your peers and take your time to figure out what really works for you.”

Darren wrapped up his remarks by reiterating his thanks to St Finian’s and invited people to get in touch with him if they think there is anything he could do to help.

St Finian’s principal Mr McHale had earlier opened the awards event by thanking and paying tribute to college president, Dr Joe Gallagher, Fr Phil Gaffney, and college patron, Bishop Tom Deenihan, who was unable to attend and sent his apologies.

“The awards ceremony is an important event in our school calendar,” he said. “It is an opportunity to reward the achievements of our students; we aim to recognise achievements across a wide range of areas. It is also an opportunity to showcase the success of some of our former students.

“Also, I would like to welcome some of our Class of 2024, thank you also for making the time to be with us. I welcome all the parents and guardians of our pupils. We are grateful for the support and encouragement you give us as we work together to provide the best possible education for your daughters and sons, both academic and otherwise.”

Mr McHale welcomed and appreciated the work of the parents council, thanked last year’s members and looked forward to working with this year’s council. He said the college could not operate without the work of the board of management, who give of their time and energy freely, and he thanked the members “for their selfless dedication to the work of the college”.

“There is much to celebrate about our school, and you can get a flavour of most of it at the presentations tonight – however, I do want to report on some items of focus as we face the new year. I am happy to report that our major refurbishment and building project is currently well under way. In less than a year, the contractors have made substantial progress.

“This project was first proposed in 2016. It is satisfying to see material progress. The end result incorporates five new buildings in the areas of science, technology, engineering, woodwork, building construction, humanities, sport and special education needs, along with the renovation of our existing building.

“In addition, in May of this year, we took possession of a full-size Astro soccer pitch, and this month six outdoor basketball courts. In April, the plan is to vacate this building and move to the new areas at the rear of the college, while the contractors begin work on its renovation. When completed, we will have an amazing facility here at the college.”

Mr McHale said that St Finian’s has a long tradition of musicals, and that has been revived in the transition year. “Last year our TY students had a hit show with the School of Rock; next April we look forward to the production of West Side Story,” said Mr McHale, adding that TYs are also enjoying foreign exchange trips.

He thanked staff for their work including in extracurricular activities, and especially in sport, “the result of which is evident tonight”, and congratulated the students on their performances in all areas.

“In conclusion, I would like to thank you all, staff, students and parents, for your goodwill and cooperation during the year. We are blessed to have such talented students, both as scholars and a general student body, and I want to thank all of them.”