'This government is ripping off motorists', says Labour candidate

• Motorists hit hard by toll hikes, says Labour candidate

Fidelma Bennett, Labour’s candidate for Longford Westmeath, has slammed the government for allowing motorway tolls to increase, "further squeezing Irish motorists already struggling with the soaring cost of living".

Bennett highlighted the "particularly severe impact on commuters along the M4, where public transport options remain insufficient to meet the demand".

“This government is ripping off motorists at a time when people are already grappling with rising prices across the board. With Ireland already one of the most expensive countries to live in, these toll hikes are a slap in the face to hardworking commuters. Prices have shot up faster than wages and fixed incomes, meaning people have less money in their pockets, and this is just one more way Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael are making life harder.

“Many commuters rely on the M4 daily, and yet the public transport infrastructure simply isn’t there to offer them an alternative. They’re being forced to pay these extortionate tolls, and it’s clear the government is failing to address the fundamental issues at hand.

“Irish energy prices remain among the highest in Europe. Even before you factor in the cost of housing, people in Ireland are already struggling just to keep the lights on and heat their homes. It’s an outrage that the government continues to allow private companies to profit while ordinary people suffer.

“Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael love to tell us we’re better off than ever before, but the reality on the ground couldn’t be more different.

“Labour has a clear plan to put money back in people’s pockets. We are committed to tackling the greed of private energy and grocery companies, whose sky-high profits are coming at the expense of families struggling to make ends meet.

“This government needs to wake up and realise that their policies are failing the people of Ireland. We need a real vision for the future, one that prioritises fairness and affordability.”