Chloe Daly receives her gold medal for Loy ladies senior ploughing (details below).

Prizes at the Ploughing

Pictured above

Sean Fleming, TD, Minister of State, Dept of Foreign Affairs, presenting Chloe Daly, Kilbeggan with the North Connaught Farmers Cup and gold medal for Loy ladies senior ploughing, which she won at the National Ploughing Championships in September. Also present, NPA chairman John Deerey and president Mick Mahon, at the NPA awards in Portlaoise in early October. Photos: Alf Harvey

Jack Kearney, Ballinahown, received a bronze medal for U28 conventional junior ploughing from Minister of State Sean Fleming, TD, with NPA chairman John Deerey and president Mick Mahon. Photo by Alf Harvey