There was a large crowd at the Market Square on Friday evening for the swtich-on of the Mullingar Christmas lights.

GALLERY: swtich-on of Christmas lights in Mullingar

The Mullingar Christmas Lights Committee, in conjunction with Mullingar Chamber of Commerce, hosted the official switch-on of the Christmas lights on Friday at the Market Square.

Mullingar Arts Centre had invited arranged Santa to perform the official switch-on, and there were festive guest characters to add to the atmosphere of the evening.

Peter Dunne from Midlands 103 was present, broadcasting live from the square, and Noel O'Farrell led the sing-songs and helped with handing out the goodies.

Two new Christmas trees, sponsored by The National Science Park, will be part of this year’s decorations. One tree will be at the Market Square, and the other at Dominick Square.