Uisce Éireann launches public consultation on the Water Supply Project Eastern and Midlands Region
Uisce Éireann has launched a non-statutory consultation for the Water Supply Project Eastern and Midlands Region.
Irish Water says that it is "a once in a generation project and is the first major ‘new source’ water infrastructure in the region in the last 60 year"s.
"It will deliver a safe, secure, sustainable source of water supply necessary to support our growing population and economy, including the demand for housing. It is a project that will enable us to adapt to the effects of climate change by diversifying our water supply sources. The consultation will provide all stakeholders with an opportunity to give feedback on the proposed project until March 4, in advance of Uisce Éireann’s submission of the planning application to An Bord Pleanála," Uisce Éireann says.
The Water Supply Project Eastern and Midlands Region proposes to abstract water from Parteen Basin, upstream of Parteen Weir on the Lower River Shannon, utilising a maximum of two per cent of the long term average flow at Parteen Basin. It is proposed that the water will be treated near Birdhill, Co Tipperary and treated water will then be piped 170km through counties Tipperary, Offaly and Kildare to a termination point reservoir at Peamount in County Dublin, connecting into the Greater Dublin Area water distribution network.
The project will develop a new, climate-resilient, long-term water source to meet the demands of a growing population and economy, including the need for housing, as well as enabling us to adapt to the effects of climate change by diversifying our water supply sources. This essential project will provide Dublin, Meath, Kildare and Wicklow with a resilient, safe, secure water supply. It will also create a treated water supply ‘spine’ across the country, providing infrastructure with the capacity for future offtakes to serve communities along the route in Tipperary, Offaly, and Westmeath. In addition, it will enable supplies currently serving Dublin to be redirected back to Louth, Meath, Kildare, Carlow and Wicklow, providing security of supply to homes and businesses, which will support growth and regional development.
As part of the consultation process, Uisce Éireann will be hosting a number of public information open days at key locations along the route in Tipperary, Offaly and Kildare, in addition to online webinars. The consultation material can be viewed online in advance at water.ie/watersupplyproject where you can make a submission. The feedback received in response to the consultation will be used to inform the design and accompanying environmental reports, where appropriate, in advance of submitting a planning application to An Bord Pleanála.
Speaking about the consultation, Director of Infrastructure Delivery at Uisce Éireann, Maria O’Dwyer said: “Water supply in the Eastern and Midlands region faces a number of serious challenges, notably the over-reliance on the River Liffey to supply 1.7 million people in the Greater Dublin Area. With forecasts showing that the region will need 34 per cent more water by 2044 than is available today, this combination of a growing water supply deficit and lack of supply resilience is simply not sustainable. The launch of this consultation is another major milestone towards the delivery of this essential infrastructure. We look forward to further engaging with stakeholders, landowners and communities along the route to provide them with more information and an opportunity to provide feedback.”
The Consultation will run until March 4. Further information on the consultation events, webinars, Frequently Asked Questions and details on how to make a submission can be found at www.water.ie/watersupplyproject.