Mullingar hotel given go-ahead for major extension
The Annebrook House Hotel has been given the go-ahead for a major expansion.
The successful planning application includes details for the construction of a new four storey extension to the existing hotel and the demolition of the existing premises at 7 Pearse Street.
The extension will include 60 additional bedrooms, a new restaurant/bistro, a new breakfast area, and an extended bar area, as well as internal alterations to the adjoining premises at 9 Pearse Street that will include a new connection to the hotel.
In a cover letter submitted with the application on behalf of the hotel owner Berty Dunne, architect Ronan O'Halloran said that the new bedrooms “shall be a positive addition to the hotel and the town centre, especially given the current shortage of hotel bedroom accommodation within the town centre”.
“The breakfast area is also an essential requirement for the hotel as there is presently no designated breakfast area. The restaurant/bistro area fronting onto Pearse Street gives the proposal an active frontage giving the hotel a street frontage, while also enhancing the existing streetscape, especially given its present vacant condition.
“...We feel that the proposal should be a positive contribution to the town centre in Mullingar, visually enhancing the existing streetscape and surroundings, while also providing much needed hotel accommodation, while also enhancing tourism to Mullingar.
“It also should provide significant employment to the town both in its construction and in the staff employed within the new extended hotel.”