Local homelessness problem must be addressed immediately - Clarke
The urgency for immediate action from government on housing has "never been more serious".
That's according to Deputy Sorca Clarke, who says that the recent cold spell highlighted the vulnerable position of people who are currently accessing emergency accommodation in Westmeaht and neighbouring counties.
“With colder months still to come, it is absolutely vital that every single person in Longford, Westmeath and all across Ireland has a roof over their head.
“Latest figures from the Department of Housing have shown that 234 people in the Midlands accessed emergency accommodation in December.
“Following the release of these numbers, government is setting a target of housing 26 homeless in the region over the next two years. This target couldn’t be less ambitious if they tried. What about the other 208 people that are equally deserving of housing, and the many others who have not been accounted for in these figures, who may be couch surfing, living with relatives, those in women refuges and IPAS accommodation.
“Additionally, the Department of Housing’s homeless report for November recorded over 15,000 adults and children in department-funded emergency accommodation for the first time.
“We must not forget that behind every number and statistic is a real person who has their own unique story.
“Sinn Féin will continue to make the case for a radical reset of housing policy as set out in our housing plan ‘A Home of Your Own’.
“Sinn Féin firmly believes that ending long-term homelessness by 2030 is still possible. But only if a real plan is in place to reduce the number of people becoming homeless and that gets people in emergency accommodation out of homelessness more quickly”.