WAHS lecture on Greville family in Westmeath
The Westmeath Archaeological and Historical Society start the new year with a lecture on arguably the most important family in Westmeath during the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Fulke Southwell Greville, 1st Baron Greville of Clonyn Castle, purchased the town of Mullingar in the 1850s and his successors dominated local politics and the development of the town until the various Land Acts and the War of Independence rendered their influence and power ineffectual.
Dr Eugene Dunne completed his doctoral studies on the landed gentry in Westmeath and as the Grevilles loomed large in that context, his lecture promises to be informative for both town and country where the landlord had extensive property interests.
The lecture takes place in the Greville Arms Hotel on Wednesday 22 January at 8pm, and all are welcome.
The Greville monument on Dominic Street was dedicated to Lord Greville’s son Ronald Fulke Greville, who died in 1908. It was removed to Col Harvey Kelly’s home in Bunbrosna in 1920 and later to the Greville Arms Hotel, where it is currently displayed.