Maebh O’Neill, Marie Rooney, Noeleen Corcoran, Des Cafferty, Marie Newman and Mary Nally enjoy the BMB Active lunch in the Greville Arms.

Ballinafid Multyfarnham Bunbrosna Active notes

At a recent BMB Active Committee meeting, day excursions and various social events were described by chairman Joe Scally as "outstanding successes". Examples included the cúpla focal at Lough Derravaragh, Pancake Tuesday and the table quiz in the Covert, music and singing in Connaughton’s, and the International Women’s Day lunch in Weir’s.

This year it’s envisaged that similarly vibrant events will fill your diaries.

Classes all resume; book your slot by a texting 087 1723256. Pilates, Mondays, started this week (January 20) for six consecutive weeks; floor Pilates at 11 and seated Pilates at 12.

Go For Life, 12 midday from Tuesday January 21, for six consecutive weeks.

Music and movement, on Wednesday Jan 22 at 12.30; Paul Cheevers leads gentle the movements. It is both stimulating and a relaxing way to enjoy tranquility with others.

Acrylics, Wednesday January 22 at 9.30, Mary Weir takes on six weeks of painting.

Bowls, Thursday January 22 at 12.30. The BMB Active bowlers enjoyed a December trip to Killarney, where they represented Westmeath in the ARA National Championships for the first time.

They welcome newcomers to their squad. Evening bowls also on Tuesdays from 5.30-7, so an opportunity to play twice a week.

Watercolours, Wednesday January 22 at 12 midday, classes resume.

Oil painting, Thursday January 23 Caithriona Devine continues with her classes.

Yoga, Vickie Davis is back taking floor yoga at 11 and seated yoga at 12, on Wednesday and Fridays from January 24.

The AGM of BMB Active, Thursday January 30 at 2pm in Multyfarnham Community Centre.

BMB Active mini breaks away are popular and often book out immediately. The is one on May 18 to Killarney, proved no exception, and easily filled two coaches. If you’re interested in joining, text 087 172 3256 with your expression of interest.

Ballinafid Multyfarnham Social Services social and bingo in the Covert on Friday January 24. All welcome. Contact Cora on 087 7979 842 or Maura on 086 806 9891.

Cookery demonstration with Maria Harte on Sunday February 2. Maria, daughter of Rose and the late Nicholas Flood of Ballinafid, is a popular TV chef, featuring frequently on The 6 Show. This demonstration is at 2 in Multyfarnham Community Centre. Maria will share quick tips on how to prepare nutritious one-pot meals for you and or your family. A raffle will be held with many great prizes. All proceeds from the event will be donated to local charities. Refreshments served.

On Friday February 14 a fun pub quiz is planned for BMB Active members and friends.

Daffodil Day marks the much awaited Springtime. BMB Active hope to host a coffee morning Friday March 28 with proceeds to the Irish Cancer Society.

Watch this space for more BMB Active news and be sure to put Thursday January 30 at 2 on your calendar for BMB AGM. All BMB Active classes and activities will take place in Multyfarnham Community Centre.