Gertie Wallace, Brotenstown Ballinea ICA Guild, winner of the Dundee cake competition.

Gertie wins Westmeath ICA Federation Dundee cake comp

The Westmeath Federation of the ICA held their first meeting of the year on Tuesday January 28, when the members of the Brotenstown Ballinea Guild were the hosts. There were four guilds in attendance.

The winner of the Dundee cake competition was Gertie Wallace from the host Guild. Gertie now progresses to represent the Westmeath Federation at the National competitions weekend, 10-11 April, in An Grianán.

Mullingar Guild will represent the Westmeath Federation in the drama competition and there will also be members from different guilds taking part in the quiz competition. Ruth Illingworth was the speaker at the January 28 meeting, and members really enjoyed the talk she gave on St Bridget.

Thanks to the members of Brotenstown Ballinea Guild for supplying some lovely cakes and tea.