Authors lined up for ‘Ireland Reads Day’ at libraries
‘Ireland Reads Day’ falls on February 22, and throughout February and especially on that date, Westmeath’s libraries are calling on people across Ireland to get lost in a good book.
To mark the day, local authors Dolores Keaveney and Terence Casey will do two readings apiece at different libraries in the county, Dolores at Mullingar and Castlepollard and Terence at Moate and Athlone.
Dolores, who is an illustrator as well as an author, is known for the popular children’s books Dee the Bee, Huwie the Apple Tree, Huwie Meets the Red Fox and Huwie has a Visitor.
She will be at Castlepollard library at 10am and Mullingar at noon and will be reading a selection of her stories and doing an activity. Both events are suitable for children up to eight years of age and booking is essential.
Terence, who is also an illustrator as well as an author, will do a reading and will demonstrate illustrations from his new book, the Animal Adventures from Beneath the Hill at Moate library at 10am and at the Aidan Heavey Library in Athlone at noon.
Both events are suitable for families and for these, booking is not required.
Ireland Reads is an initiative of the Government of Ireland to celebrate the joy of reading. It is funded by Healthy Ireland and supported by public libraries and many organisations that promote reading, literacy and the arts.