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Westmeath council and GAA work together on road safety campaign

Westmeath County Council, with the support of gardaí and other agencies, are committed to working together to keep road safety on everyone’s mind, and are planning a new campaign to highlight the issue.

In a statement, the council said they need the support of the public in improving attitudes to road safety. GAA supporters and players, as road users themselves and young players in particular as drivers of the future, play a key role both in influencing their families and others in promoting road safety.

Westmeath County Council had been working closely with Westmeath GAA, LGFA and Camogie Associations over the last six months to develop a campaign targeting those aged between 18 and 35, the group most affected by road traffic incidents. Nearly 40% of those killed or seriously injured on our roads are in that age group.

Large signs will be erected at the entrance of TEG Cusack Park in Mullingar, and there are plans to extend the campaign to all sports grounds in the county. The sign will carry the message, ‘Be a team player. Think road safety. A mistake on the field could cost the game; a mistake on the road could cost you your life’.

The signs highlight four key points: phone down, belt up, slow down, and never drink or drug drive.

The initiative is a collaborative effort between Westmeath County Council, the Westmeath Gaelic Games organisations, and An Garda Síochána, and a launch is planned for the coming weeks.

Clubs are encouraged to post images of the signs on social media, tagging Westmeath County Council, the GAA, LGFA and Camogie Association, in a bid to spread the message as widely as possible.

Frank Mescall, Westmeath GAA chairman, was joined by Westmeath LGFA vice-chairperson Declan Carr and Caroline Carton, Westmeath Camogie vice-chairperson encouraged all clubs and supporters to get behind the road safety initiative.

Frank said: “The GAA, as a community-based organisation, and many of our clubs have been directly affected by road deaths and serious injuries. Families, friends and communities are left devastated as too many people, including many young lives, are lost on our roads.

“We encourage everyone to stay safe, on and off the pitch. Just like on the pitch, where we encourage players to give respect, get respect, the message is similar on our roads.”

Cllr Liam McDaniel, cathaoirleach of Westmeath County Council, welcomed the initiative: “This campaign is about us all playing a part in reducing road deaths by taking personal responsibility to be the best road users we can be.

“Sadly, evidence shows that more than 95 per cent of road deaths are due to human error – careless or inattentive driving, inappropriate speed for the road or the conditions, and drink and drug driving account for the majority of deaths and serious injuries.

“Road safety is everyone’s responsibility and ultimately it is up to all road users to be aware of the dangers and to treat the roads with the respect they deserve. Too often motorists take a risk and make the wrong decision. Is that risk worth a life?

“The support of Westmeath GAA’s will help open more conversations about what we can all do, whether we are travelling on foot or on wheels, to help ensure everyone gets to their destination safely.”