The volunteers at Raharney GAA Club for Thursday’s inaugural Liz Cahill Memorial Tournament.

Competitive and fun camogie at Liz Cahill Memorial event

The staff in St Joseph’s Secondary School, Rochfortbridge were keen to create a tribute to the late Liz Cahill, who was not just a fellow teacher and colleague, but a special friend.

They felt a camogie tournament would be a fitting opportunity to honour Liz as she was a stalwart in the development of camogie in the school and throughout the county. On Thursday, teams from across the region gathered in Joristown, Raharney for the first tournament in her honour.

In total, 11 schools from four counties took part in the inaugural Liz Cahill Memorial Tournament at Joristown pitch, a place she loved so much, and 13 teams battled it out and gave some great exhibitions of camogie, camaraderie and fun on the day. All teams who participated had some connection to Liz – which showed how far and wide her legacy reached.

It was more than just a tournament - it was a wonderful display of how much Liz Cahill’s work was appreciated. She was an inspirational and influential person in the camogie community in Westmeath and surrounding counties.

“Liz was so passionate about camogie and was inspiring in her ability to instil that passion into those she met in the camogie community. This was evident at Thursday’s tournament,” said Muireann Scally, one of the main organisers. After some very tightly contested seven-a-side games, Castlepollard Community College came out on top and won the Division 1 Cup. Mercy College, Navan pipped Columba College, Killucan at the post to claim victory in the Division 2 final.

Afterwards, Denis Cahill, Liz’s husband, presented both cups to the winning teams and all teams were presented with bags of sliotars, sponsored by Shay Murtagh Precast, to help ensure the game of camogie will continue to progress and develop through the influence of Liz’s memory.

David Smyth was on hand to provide hot food for all the players and the Raharney camogie committee also provided refreshments for all the teachers and supporters.

It was a memorable occasion and a wonderful day was enjoyed by all. The competition will continue as an annual event in October going forward.