Confusion over house numbers in Ashcroft Park

Confusion over house numbers in Ashcroft Park, Raharney, was highlighted by both Cllr Denis Leonard and Cllr Emily Wallace at the February meeting of the Municipal District of Mullingar Kinnegad.

They both said the lack of house numbers was a problem for emergency services. They were assured that the council would erect signs at the estate.

Cllr Leonard also raised the matter of a dangerous junction in Rochfortbridge and the need for extra parking in Bun Daire, Kinnegad.

He said the junction of the Mullingar Road/ Milltownpass Road, leaving Rochfortbridge, is dangerous and there have been accidents there. Safety works, lighting and signage are needed, he said.

Cllr Leonard was assured that the junction will be examined to determine if works are required and if so, they can be considered in this year’s estimates.

Cllr Leonard was also told that the need for more parking spaces at Bun Daire would be examined and if they are required, a funding source will be sought.

He said that many homes have two and three cars and residents are having to park on the footpaths.