Affordable rental apartments planned on derelict site in north Dublin

Tomas Doherty

Officials from Dublin City Council and Clúid Housing have announced plans to jointly develop affordable rental housing on a vacant site in Cabra.

Councillors were informed at a meeting on Monday evening that the proposed development would provide much-needed housing for people who cannot afford private sector rents, as well as a new community facility and crèche.

The project would see the construction of 145 affordable rental apartments along with car and bicycle parking spaces.

Speaking about the development, Cabra resident and Fine Gael councillor Colm O’Rourke said: "Over the years, I have received many requests from Cabra residents for more housing like this, so I know this will be welcomed by many.

"At the same time, I understand that some residents near to the proposed development may have concerns about issues such as parking, traffic, and the height of the buildings.

"That’s why it’s important for residents to engage with the Council on this and I have asked that the Council properly consults with residents on this."

Dublin City Council will hold a public display of the plans on Thursday, March 13th, at Cabra Parkside Community Sports Centre in John Paul II Park (The Bogies), from 5.00pm to 7.00pm.

Cllr O’Rourke encouraged all residents to attend: "Whether you support the development or have concerns, I strongly encourage residents to attend the public display, ask questions, and share views. This is a significant project for Cabra, and it’s vital that all residents’ voices are heard."