Teagasc update and guidance on forestry damage following storms
Storm damage assessment
Recently Minister of State with responsibility for forestry Michael Healy-Rae confirmed that an initial satellite assessment puts the extent of storm damaged forests nationally at almost 24,000 ha.
Connacht and Ulster are the most seriously affected provinces with an estimated 14,000 ha of windblown forests.
The preliminary assessment indicates an even split in impact between public and private forests, and most damage in spruce plantations older than 20 years. The analysis estimates that approximately 10 million cubic metres of timber has been affected. To put that in context, in 2023, a total of 4.3 million cubic metres of timber was harvested from Ireland’s forests.
Guidance to forest owners
Teagasc has issued guidance to forest owners on managing storm damage, with an emphasis on safety, the importance of planning the recovery process and getting advice.
This guidance incorporates the following key points:
• Don’t rush in – prioritise safety first
• Check your insurance status if you have storm damage cover
• Seek professional guidance and advice
• Assess the damage in a safe manner eg drone footage is really useful
• Ensure a valid felling licence is in place
• Plan access and apply for a road licence, where required
• Selling timber – engage all available markets and secure the best deal
• Keep records and monitor progress
• Prepare an appropriate replanting plan.
Felling licences
DAFM have confirmed that a valid felling licence is required to clear windblown areas in forests. They have also provided updates on new and existing felling licences.
DAFM have confirmed that existing in-date clearfell licences (including combined thinning and clearfell licences) may be used to fell and remove trees, where the forest has suffered recent windblow caused by Storms Darragh and/or Éowyn.
The existing conditions of the licence shall apply to any cutting, felling and removal of timber, including any timing restrictions in the licence conditions that might apply for the protection of bird species.
Existing thinning-only licences: Forest owners who wish to use their existing thinning-only felling licences to clear forests that have experienced windblow damage from Storm Darragh and/or Storm Éowyn can now complete and submit a notification form to: felling.forestservice@agriculture.gov.ie using the email subject line ‘Notification of storm utilisation of thinning licence’.
The Notification Form can be found in DAFM Circular 5. Information regarding the replanting of the clearfelled area must be sent to the same email address within 6 months after completion of clearing operations.
Felling licence applications already in the system not yet issued: DAFM will prioritise any clearfell or road licence applications already in the system which have yet to be licensed, for forests impacted by Storms Darragh and/or Éowyn. To help facilitate that, forest owners or their registered forester will need to email the DAFM at felling.forestservice@agriculture.gov.ie with the following information: Email Subject: ‘Application impacted by Storm’.
Licence application number: Confirmation that the licence application will be used in forests damaged by Storm Darragh and/or Éowyn.
For clearfell applications only, estimate the percentage of the applications total area impacted by Storm Darragh and/or Éowyn.
New felling licence applications not yet submitted: Owners and registered foresters submitting new felling and forest road licence applications will need to confirm if the new licence application will be used in forests damaged by a recent storms and to give an estimate of storm damage as a percentage of the application’s total area. That will allow owners and DAFM to quantify the extent of the damage and ensure that the harvest recovery of windblown timber is carried out in a prompt and safe fashion.
There is a commitment by DAFM to making the application as efficient and fast as possible.
DAFM has confirmed that all windblow-related licence applications submitted on or before August 31 will be prioritised.
The same applies for applications already submitted and notified to DAFM as been impacted by the storms.
Teagasc support
Teagasc is organising a number of events to assist owners with timber recovery; see teagasc.ie/forestry.
For recent windblow queries in Laois, Kildare, Offaly, Westmeath and Longford, contact Liam Kelly, Teagasc forestry adviser, 087 9090495 or email Liam.kelly@teagasc.ie.