Archdeacon Ian Horner.

Mullingar Union of Parishes welcome Archdeacon Ian Horner

The Mullingar Union of Parishes will soon welcome Archdeacon Ian Horner and his family as the fill the vacancy left following the retirement of Canon Alastair Graham.

Bishop Pat Storey announced the appointment of Archdeacon Horner as the newly appointed rector of Mullingar Union of parishes, at the weekend.

Ian, originally from Greystones, County Wicklow, spent the last 10 years serving in the Bailieborough Group of parishes in the diocese of Kilmore.

He is married to Jenny, and they have two boys called, Sam (12) and Leo (10). Ian loves music and is no longer ashamed to say that he is a big Aston Villa fan! He has a passion for the Scriptures, church renewal, youth and children’s work, and he enjoys a good visit and chat over a cup of tea.

On moving to Mullingar Ian said: “It is with mixed emotions that we set out on a new adventure in ministry. The last decade has flown by, and it will be tough to say goodbye to the people of the Bailieborough Group, and to the people of the wider community.

“We have been loved, supported and looked after from day one, and we have been blessed to see God at work in the lives of young and old in the parishes. At the same time, we are excited to follow God’s call to the Mullingar Union, and we already have a strong sense God’s hand in this move.

“So, while we are sad to be leaving the wonderful family home, hometown, and church family that we’ve been blessed with over the last 10 years, we are looking forward to setting up in a new home later on in the year, to meeting new friends, and to seeing what God will do in our new church family.

“I am grateful to Bishop Pat and to the people of the Mullingar Union for this new opportunity to love and serve the Lord and value your prayers as we prepare to make the move.”

The date of the Institution will be announced shortly.

We also pray for the parishioners of Mullingar Union as they look forward to the next chapter of their life as a Union.