Progress on Part 8 planning process for new swimming pool

Members of the Mullingar Pool Action Group (MPAG) recently attended a public consultation meeting with representatives from Westmeath County Council, Henry J Lyons (Architects) Ltd and KKP (Knight, Kavanagh and Page Ltd, sports and leisure consultants) regarding the proposed design of the new swimming pool in Blackhall.

Robert Keane from MPAG said: “On the whole the meeting was constructive, all parties were receptive to our concerns and input regarding the draft design of the new pool. The meeting was part of the Part 8 planning process which also involves the engagement of other sporting clubs who use the pool and, most importantly, the current pool staff and management.”

As a group MPAG has advocated strongly over the last two years for the provision of a 50-metre pool for Mullingar. Many plans were considered at the draft design stage by WCC and KKP, including a 50m pool, but that is not being pursued. The reasons appear to be complex and include financial, accessibility and functionality implications.

The design for the new pool is for eight lanes of 25 metres, a 16x8m training pool and a separate splash pad area for smaller children.

Preliminary archaeological investigations are currently being conducted at the Blackhall site.

WCC are hopeful that the sports complex will receive full Part 8 approval by councillors at the July meeting of the Municipal District of Mullingar Kinnegad.

“MPAG welcome the progress on this project and look forward to continued engagement with WCC, local politicians and wider Mullingar community to keep the momentum going and see this project through.

“Our vision as a group has always been the provision of modern swimming facilities in Mullingar that are universally accessible for all abilities and with sufficient capacity for the growing population of our town.”