Peadar Tóibín says the Dáil has sat just 17 times in the last 130 days

Government votes down Aontú amendment to force Dáil to sit on Fridays

The government yesterday (Wednesday) voted down an amendment from Aontú to the Order of Business which sought ensure the Dáil would sit on Friday of this week and next.

Speaking in the Dáil Aontú Leader Peadar Tóibín TD said:

"In the 130 days between the 8th November and the 18th March the Dail sat for a total of 17 days. In the past four and a half months the Dáil has been on holidays 87% of the time.

"Under Standing Order 33 (3) Aontú wishes to propose an amendment to the Order of Business to ensure the Dáil sits for three days this week."

Deputy Tóibín continued: "This is a democratically elected parliament which cannot function - we've no Oireachtas committees, it is a legislature which cannot legislate.

"I want to make an amendment to ensure the Dáil sits an extra day this week and an extra day next week so we can actually get about the work that needs to be done".

Another Dáil holiday is set to begin on April 10. It will last for 18 days.