Cat Stone, Hill of Uisneach, image by Olive Sharkey.

History society lecture on Westmeath archaeology

The next lecture facilitated by the Westmeath Archaeological and Historical Society is in the Greville at 8pm on Wednesday 26 March. The speaker is Caimin O’Brien, who has carried out extensive research on the county’s archaeological artefacts. The title of his lecture is Westmeath Archaeology – a voyage of discovery.

A native of Birr, he works for the Archaeological Survey of Ireland, a section of the National Monuments Service. His publications include Archaeological Survey of Offaly, The medieval Churches of Offaly and he also contributed to Westmeath History and Society on the holy wells of Westmeath.

Date for your diary

WAHS eighth annual conference in the Greville Arms on Saturday 12 April at 9.30am. Theme: The Big House in Westmeath; more details later.