Choir group photo at Christmas 2024 (details below).

St Feichin’s Church Choir put on special 30-year concert

St Feichin’s Church Choir in Fore are preparing to celebrate their 30th anniversary with a celebration concert which will take place in St Feichin’s Church on Friday March 28 (7.30pm).

It will be an evening of music and song and promises to be an enjoyable and memorable experience.

There are 26 members of the choir – children, teenagers, ladies and men, and they play a variety of instruments such as piano, guitar, tin whistle, flute and fiddle.

They will perform around 25 pieces of music on the night, from Irish traditional songs to modern, upbeat songs, well known anthems, friendship songs and memorial songs.

A lot of the music chosen for the occasion is of particular significance to the choir members and the community.

Over the last 30 years, St Feichin’s Church Choir have been a part of the community in so many different ways, available to come together, sing and be there for each other and the wider community in times of need and bereavement.

They would like to acknowledge the priests who have been there throughout the years, Fr John Kiernan, RIP, Fr Michael Walsh, Fr Patrick Donnelly and Fr Martin Carley, who have been a constant support in so many different ways.

The Fore singers are known for the fantastic carol service they put on each Christmas and every year a different charity is chosen for all the proceeds from the night. Since 2020 alone they have raised more than €6,000 for charities.

All the proceeds from this celebration concert will be donated to LauraLynn Children’s Hospice.

They would love to see you all there to celebrate this special evening with them.

For updates you can follow them on ‘St Feichin’s Church Choir, Fore’ Facebook page.