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'Litter picking party' on Coolnagun Bog this Saturday

A ‘litter picking party’ is due to take place at Shrubbywood/Coolnagun Bog, on Saturday March 29, from 10am to noon.

Since the Deposit Return Scheme was launched in 2024, there has been a decrease in bottles and cans popping up around the area.

However, there are still significant amounts of household waste such as, nappies and other large items.

Those items have been finding their way into ditches and the areas around the bog.

The last organised pick up was in 2023, and that was a huge success, and it left the bog clean for all those who use it, including dog walkers, fishermen and tourists.

Everyone is welcome to attend on Saturday, and all ages are accommodated.

Westmeath County Council provide sacks and pickers, but participants are required to bring their own gloves.