Minister Burke performed the official opening of Mullingar Show in July, with Chris Dolan, president, Mullingar Show, Eileen Whyte, show committee, and Ray Brady, president, Irish Show Association.

Minister Burke to host farm meeting this Thursday

Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Peter Burke, TD, is hosting a farm meeting this Thursday, September 19, at the farm of Matt Kennedy in Kilcumney, Collinstown (N91 TK88,) at 6pm.

The minister is from a farming background and continues to farm at Clonmore, and he said this week he is looking forward to the event, which will seek to provide information to local farmers, and seek their views on government policy and schemes.

“It is a busy time of year for farmers, and while stock prices are stable, I know there are issues regarding cost in particular.

“Farmers across all sectors have endured a difficult year due to inclement weather – however, agriculture remains of vital importance to the local and rural economy. I hear a lot from family businesses in my role as minister, but it is equally important to listen to farmers, who are the backbone of the rural economy and have provided stable employment for generations, while producing the food we need to survive and thrive.”

The meeting will hear from Minister Martin Heydon, Andy Egan, agricultural advisor, and James Carroll, IFAC, on tax and succession matters.

“I also want it to be a two-way street,” said Minister Burke. “It’s important for me to continue to engage with the farming community locally, coming from a strong rural constituency such as this. With the budget right around the corner, I have raised some specific matters with Minister Heydon, which would be of benefit to farmers locally, and this is an opportunity for farmers to speak directly to the minister and highlight the solutions that would provide assistance in their day to day lives.

“Both Minister Heydon and I are involved in the drafting of the Fine Gael manifesto ahead of the next general election, so we are looking to engage further across the sector and hear ideas people may have regarding the coming five years.

“I recently met the local IFA committee as well as the president, but this is only part of the story I know. I held a farm meeting in Slanemore during the previous term and took a lot from it, so I’m looking forward to hosting another, this time in north Westmeath in the part of the constituency that has recently rejoined Longford Westmeath.

“I run a full-time office now from Castlepollard, so it’s also a good opportunity to hear more from people based in Delvin, Clonmellon, Coole, Ringtown, Crookedwood, Finea and all the surrounding areas.

“I know the ploughing championships are on and Thursday is the final day, so it’s a 6pm kick-off in Collinstown and light refreshments will be served. If you need further information, directions or want an update from the meeting after Thursday, you can call my Mullingar or Castlepollard Offices on 044 9385044.”