Anna Allen, Linda Doolin, Aishling Aughey and Kasia Koper.

Mullingar Camera Club hosts Open Night and Exhibition

By Jayde G Forde

The Mullingar Camera Club recently held an Open Night and Exhibition, offering a warm invitation to photography enthusiasts from the community to explore the world of photography. Established in 1978, the club has grown over the past 46 years into a vibrant space for both amateur and professional photographers.

One of the club’s long-standing members, professional photographer Colm Kerr, shared insights into the club’s mission and the appeal it holds for both seasoned photographers and beginners.

Kerr, who has been a member for 12 years, explained the club's collaborative atmosphere, noting that even as a professional, he continues to participate because of the club’s commitment to skill-sharing and fostering growth.

“What we do is bring people in who may have a good camera and an eye for photography, but don’t know the secrets behind it,” Kerr explained. “Through practical sessions within the club, we help them refine their skills.”

David O'Malley and Ray Dolan.
Alma Manny and Rita Tyma.
Mullingar Camera Club chairperson Colm Kerr , secreatary Fergus Tuomey, and vice chair Anna Allen.

The club meets regularly, engaging in workshops and practical photography sessions. In addition to these hands-on experiences, members also participate in competitions under the Irish Photography Federation. Feedback from professional judges gives members valuable critiques, helping them improve their craft.

At the Open Night, the club showcased images from this year's national competitions. Visitors were treated to a head shot booth demonstration, where one of the members offered hands-on experience with photography equipment.

The event encouraged attendees to explore different photography styles, such as landscape and portrait, and provided a platform to discuss techniques with club members.

Kerr emphasised the club's openness to all skill levels, stating, “If anyone is interested in a particular aspect of photography, we can help expand their skills in that area.”

The Mullingar Camera Club’s Open Night served as a celebration of the art of photography while highlighting the club’s mission of education, skill development, and community engagement. Whether you are an experienced photographer or just starting out, the club offers a supportive environment to learn, grow, and enjoy the craft of photography.