Gordon Duffy with one of his paintings, which will be in the exhibition.

Mullingar Art Room exhibition opens at Greville Arms Hotel

The Mullingar Art Room Exhibition returns to the Greville Arms Hotel on Friday, September 20, Culture Night, from 6pm.

It is a free event and visitors will step into a world of artistic expression, to discover a variety of works, crafted in mediums like oils, acrylics, pencils, pastels, and (in Richard Clarke’s case) chainsaws.

Richard’s wood carvings are well known now as they feature in woodland walks and parks across Ireland.

This year’s Plein Air session was a damp experience, thanks to the Irish weather, so huge thanks to Patricia Bruton for sheltering the valiant artists under the massive trees of Ballysallagh House.

Each Thursday, around 15 artists meet at the Mullingar Charity Variety Group premises in Forest Park, and new members are always welcome, regardless of experience. Whether you’re a seasoned painter or a complete beginner, you’re guaranteed a warm welcome and a few laughs. There is even an occasional ‘would-be comedian’ which adds extra entertainment to Thursday nights!

The Mullingar Art Room Exhibition continues through the weekend; Saturday 11am-9pm and Sunday 11am-6pm.

The list of artists showing their work this year includes Tommy Bolger, Martina Cassidy, Richard Clarke, Angela Cotter, Gordon Duffy, Bernie Fay, Peter Finch, Kieran Gaine, Mary Hunt, Ann Keating, Ciaran Sheridan and Brenda Smyth.

Mark your calendars, invite your friends, and be part of a fantastic event; the Mullingar Art Room Exhibition is ready to inspire – you just need to show up!