Richard Ferris presenting a cheque to the principal of St Colman's NS Ger Beehan.

Mullingar financial planning firm donates to schools

A Mullingar financial planner has donated €1,000 to two local schools to help families struggling to meet back to school costs, and has encouraged other businesses to do the same.

Richard Ferris of Ferris Financial Planning donated €500 to both the St Colman’s National School Parents Council Association and to Loreto College.

He said he decided to make the donations after his daughters (Ella May, Loreto) and Faye (St Colman’s) returned after the summer break.

“I realise that when the kids go back to school, not every family finds it easy financially,” he said.

“Our local schools are excellent. My own kids have both attended St Colman’s and my youngest is in fifth class this year.

“Schools can only do so much with limited budgets. As a company, I decided we would donate €500 each to St Colman’s and Loreto, to help the school provide support to families towards the cost of sending kids back to school.

Richard Ferris and his daughter Ella May presenting a cheque to the principal of Loreto College Olivia Callaghan. Also in the photo are vice-principals Bridie Smyth and Audrey Hanlon.

Richard is the owner of Ferris Financial Planning (, which advises on life cover, pensions and investments, for both new and existing plans.

He says he would like to see other companies make donations to their local schools, if they are in a position to do so.