Carol Gibbons, Divisional Manager and Head of Regions & Local Enterprise, Enterprise Ireland; Jeffrey Lyons from Watt Footprint; and Peter Burke TD, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment.

Local company honoured at Enterprise Ireland’s Innovation Arena Awards

Mullingar based company Watt Footprint has been honoured at Enterprise Ireland’s Innovation Arena Awards.

They were one of nine companies who were presented with a ‘Certificate of Achievement for Innovation’ at Enterprise Ireland’s Innovation Arena Awards final at the National Ploughing Championships last week.

They received this recognition for having received a minimum qualifying score for their entry in the annual Enterprise Ireland Innovation Arena competition, which this year had a focus on ‘Innovations for Future Generations’. The Innovation Arena showcased innovators with pioneering solutions which will deliver efficiencies in animal science and technology, agri-engineering, digital technologies, animal health and nutrition, sustainability and climate action, and farm health and safety.

Peter Burke TD, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, attended the final. He says its important innovative firms, such as Watt Footprint are recognised for their efforts.

“Innovation and the need to be agile has never been more important for the agricultural sector and the Innovation Arena at the National Ploughing Championships can support agritech companies to grow, scale and develop. I would like to commend this year’s participants in this landmark exhibition platform and thank them for their contribution towards futureproofing this sector for generations to come.”

Leo Clancy, CEO, Enterprise Ireland, said: “Irish agri innovators, including those exhibiting in this year’s Innovation Arena, are truly shaping the sector globally. It is their innovations and solutions which are driving efficiencies, and helping to address global challenges by meeting growing demands for food, safeguarding our planet for future generations and ensuring farm families have good livings. We believe that Irish-owned enterprises can, over time, be the prime driver of the Irish economy, and Irish agritech companies and farm families will have an important role to play in that shared ambition. I would like to thank our partners in the NPA, and all of the participants in this year’s Innovation Arena, and wish them a fruitful experience over the coming days.”