Noel Lehane from G Bean Coffee, with Veronica Larkin, Justina Nilsson and Tina Kellegher, volunteers, and Anthony and Sheila Glennon.

Bewley’s Big Coffee Morning for Hospice today and tomorrow

The first of two days of the Bewley’s Big Coffee Morning for Hospice is today, and volunteers from North Westmeath Hospice are busy this morning on the Market Square, Mulligar, providing hot tea and coffee to warm up their guests.

On duty this morning were Noel Lehane from G Bean Coffee, along with Veronica Larkin, Justina Nilsson and Tina Kellegher.

Anthony and Sheila Glennon had stopped to make a contribution when the Westmeath Examiner passed by, and were enjoying tea and treats.

Veronica Larkin, on behalf of the local committee, said their teams of volunteers are looking forward to meeting and greeting people at the their stall on the Market Square today and tomorrow.

She thanked Noel and G Bean Coffee, who “every year, for two days are here assisting us in this fundraiser, hail, rain or shine, and North Westmeath Hospice are incredibly indebted to them”.

Teresa Raleigh and Cepta Wallace, hospice volunteers, with Mary Murphy, supporter, at the Market Square this morning.
Jeremy Nilsson and Maggie Zukowska hosting a coffee morning at Charter Medical.