Some of the attendance at the event.

Minister chairs Q&A for farmers

The Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Peter Burke, TD, chaired a panel discussion and Q&A for local farmers at the Kennedy family farm in Collinstown, on Thursday last, September 19, on a glorious sunny evening.

On the panel were Minister of State in the Department of Agriculture, Martin Heydon, TD, agricultural adviser Andy Egan, and James Carroll from the Irish Farm Accounts Co-operative Society (IFAC). MEP Nina Carberry and Senator Micheál Carrigy were also in attendance.

Around 75 farmers, including a delegation from Westmeath IFA, took advantage of the opportunity to discuss ideas, worries, and concerns, including farm succession, taxation, the complexity of some agriculture support schemes, land ownership and farm safety.

“It was my pleasure to chair an informative panel discussion and Q&A on farming at the Kennedy farm in Collinstown, where local farmers had the opportunity to voice their issues and ideas for the sector with Minister of State Martin Heydon and industry experts,” said Minister Burke.

“I was delighted to see such a high level of engagement and turnout from farmers at the event, as the importance of an open dialogue between farmers, stakeholders and politicians cannot be understated in ensuring the continued success of agriculture in Ireland.

“Ireland’s agriculture sector currently employs more than 100,000 people and, after two difficult years for farming due to the weather and to rising costs, Fine Gael remain committed to working with farmers to keep our rural economy strong and vibrant.”

Minister of State Heydon added: “Farmers across Westmeath, like farmers across the country, have come under significant pressure this year due to the weather, input costs, and margins.

“My focus, and the focus of Fine Gael, remains on supporting them through this difficult time, as the agricultural sector plays such a vital role in our economy, locally and nationally.

“From investing in rural broadband, our Local-Link network, and revitalising our rural towns and villages, Fine Gael in government have proven that we understand the unique challenges faced by rural communities and will work to address them.”