The loading bay on Church Street, Mullingar.

Council to review loading bay availability in town centre

A review of the loading bay facilities in Mullingar is to be conducted by the Municipal District.

At the September meeting, Cllr Bill Collentine requested that an audit on the town’s loading bays be carried out to enable deliveries to be made to businesses more easily and promptly.

The subject of loading bays was also raised by Cllr Julie McCourt, who asked that the one at Church Avenue be converted to a disabled parking space, and that a new parking bay be provided closer to the church.

The reply supplied to Cllr Collentine stated that the district has examined potential loading bays and is available to meet business representatives and elected members to agree a suitable location for further loading bays.

Welcoming the move to meet representatives from each street, Cllr Collentine said it was important to deal with the business people and make sure they had access to loading bays, as in some instances deliveries had to be made to the next street and wheeled to their location.

Director of services, Deirdre Reilly, said that when the review of loading bays is going on, staff will also take the opportunity to review disabled parking spaces and age-friendly parking facilities with a view to bringing back some extra spaces for people with disabilities.

She said they would start at Dominick Street.

In response to Cllr McCourt, the response supplied stated that the relocation of the loading bay at Church Avenue could be considered as part of the review of loading bays and that the need for additional disabled parking could also be addressed.

Yellow box

At the same meeting, Cllr Collentine asked that the district install a yellow box on the main Ardmore Road and Ardmore Hills junction to enable motorists to more easily exit on to the road.

“The proposal of a yellow box will be examined for this location,” the council response stated.

“It’s badly needed there. It’s hard to get out on the road in the mornings, especially with the schools back,” Cllr Collentine said.