A view of part of the existing direct provision centre in Lissywollen.

Department outlines plans for new international protection centre in Athlone

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has issued this statement this lunchtime:

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth is planning to develop a new international protection accommodation centre at Lissywollen, Athlone. The planned development of the Midland Accommodation Centre at this State-owned site will be supported by an extensive programme of local engagement.

Engagement with local community representatives has commenced this week with information being provided about the planned development.

The Government is making every effort to accommodate people seeking international protection against a backdrop of unprecedented demand. A Comprehensive Accommodation Strategy is being implemented to support this need, and to create a more sustainable accommodation system in the longer-term.

Part of this strategy has been to identify and negotiate the use of a range of State-owned sites for emergency tented accommodation and potential longer-term solutions. The development at Lissywollen, an OPW site, is part of this overall programme of work.

Our Department is at a very early stage in the design and development of the accommodation centre but will be sharing information with local stakeholders now, and as the project develops.

The site being developed at Lissywollen will provide tented and modular accommodation for international protection applicants.

Work to enable provision of accommodation at this site will commence soon and the first residents will be accommodated about 5 weeks after works commence.

Accommodation will be provided in phases, starting with approximately 100 residents, and over several phases, increasing to up to 1000 residents. People accommodated at the site will be male international protection applicants.

Information about the planned Midland Accommodation Centre is being provided to local groups and representatives, and is also available on gov.ie/communityengagement

Information will be updated and added to the website as the planned development progresses.