Sunrise and sunset at the Boyne Valley Tombs

Westmeath Historical and Archaeological Society host their first on-site lecture of the season this coming Wednesday 23 October at 8pm in the Greville Arms Hotel, Mullingar.

The speaker is Clare Tuffy, who has many years of experience at Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth, and particularly on the winter solstice. She will share what it’s really like to be there and how visitors from all over the world react to the monuments.

Clare worked for the Office of Public Works for 40 years, managing visitor services at national monument sites in the Boyne Valley.

She was manager of Brú na Bóinne Visitor Centre, the starting point for all visits to Newgrange and Knowth.

She also managed visitor services at the Hill of Tara, Old Mellifont Abbey, Trim Castle and Loughcrew.

The lecture promises to be interesting and all are welcome.