A previous year’s Remembrance Tree – there will be a new one this year.

Christmas Remembrance Tree 2024 to open at weekend

The Rotary Club Mullingar and North Westmeath Hospice CLG are again hosting the annual Remembrance Tree at Dominick Place this year, and the public are invited to place remembering cards for loved ones in a box beside the tree.

This event is now in its 16th year and for 2024, it starts on Saturday and Sunday, December 7 and 8, and then runs straight through from Saturday December 14 to Tuesday December 24.

Members of Mullingar Rotary Club and the North Westmeath Hospice CLG will be in attendance at the new Christmas tree, donated by the National Science Park, and a new hut sponsored by Faulkner Sheds.

Denis Larkin, Mullingar Rotary Club president, says funds raised will go towards local charities, and Margaret Claffey, chairperson of North Westmeath Hospice CLG, says their share of the funds will be donated locally to the Hospice Specialist Palliative Service.

At the tree, people can make donations using cash or cards.

A Remembering Mass and service will be offered in local places of worship for all names on the cards; times and dates of those will be on display at the hut.

“We invite all members of the public to visit the tree and remember loved ones.

“The Rotary Club Mullingar and the North Westmeath Hospice CLG would like to wish everyone a very happy and peaceful Christmas and new year.”