WAHS Christmas lecture and book launches
Westmeath Archaeological and Historical Society conclude their season on Wednesday December 11 in the Greville Arms Hotel (7.15pm) with a Christmas lecture and the launch of two books with local content.
Dr Harman Murtagh, lecturer, lawyer and historian from Athlone, has published a study of the Jacobite Army in Ireland, which had connections to Mullingar and Athlone and other locations in the county.
Dr Murtagh will explore the major manoeuvres and engagements of the Jacobite Army in the late 17 century and the provenance and significance of the first accurate cartographic representation of the town during that military campaign. Dr Mary Shine Thompson will launch Harman’s book.
Carn, Killare, a Westmeath Famine Village, was published 25 years ago and has been out of print. Last summer the first official tour of the village was notably successful, and was awarded the outstanding tour of Heritage Week in Westmeath.
Several requests for a reprint have been acceded to and historian and tour guide Ruth Illingworth will launch Seamus O’Brien’s book. The reprint has been revised and updated and is lavishly illustrated throughout.
A notable addition is the inclusion of another Westmeath Famine village – Ballagh, near Moate.
Solve some of your Christmas present dilemmas and come along to what promised to be an enjoyable evening. All Welcome.