Some of the members of the Inklings writing group in 2023, Jimmy O’Connell, Trish Raleigh-Doyle, Niall Sheridan. Brendan Mahon, Rory McCarthy, Liam Manning, Anthony Viney. Josephine Purcell, Jacqui Wiley, Brian McLoughlin and Douglas Raeside.

Inklings members start writing new chapter in their story

The facilitators of the Inklings Writing Group established in Mullingar almost a decade ago have responded to requests from members and would-be members and have agreed to a second weekly meeting.

The regular Inklings meetings will continue at 11am on Tuesdays in the Annebrook House Hotel, and, from January 15, there will be meeting on Wednesdays at 7.30pm, also in the Annebrook (N91 YH2F; in the boardroom).

Beginners and anyone who has a desire to write are welcome. The intent is to have fun.

The first chapter in Inklings came after Sinéad Hogan shared her idea of establishing a morning creative writing group with Brian McLoughlin, who had previously facilitated a writing group in Empor Milltown.

Sixteen people attended the first meeting on September 5, 2016 and a passionate group emerged. Inklings was the name agreed, as all great writing starts with an inkling of an idea, followed by the first ink stroke. The name Inklings isn’t original; there was a group called Inklings that included CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien, which met in Oxford, England, in the 1930s and 1940s.

Let us thread in footsteps of genius onto our own feet.

There are three rules in Inklings:

1. Nothing is stupid or bad

2. We have fun

3. There are no rules.

The group survived the Covid-19 lock-down, meeting on Zoom weekly, with the ubiquitous utterances of: ‘You’re muted’.

Meetings usually consist of sharing ‘homework’ given by the facilitator at the previous meeting and a random writing exercise in the meeting. Occasionally, we invite well-known authors to facilitate or present their experiences; included here are Patricia Gibney and Anne Griffin, both Mullingar authors.

Sincere thank-you to the following:

• Annebrook House Hotel for accommodating us most generously, since the beginning.

• Westmeath Examiner for publishing the Inklings column weekly.

• Westmeath County Council, Creative Ireland, North Midlands Credit Union for financial assistance.

• Mullingar Fleadh Executive Committee for allowing Inklings a stall at the 2023 fleadh.

• Nexa for their website (free), specifically Samantha McKenna and Laurence Meehan of Nexa, who are also Inklings members. Inklings have also a Facebook page - Inklings Mullingar Writers Group.

Currently Inklings have 22 members, nine of whom have published or are writing novels and poetry collections, including Liam Manning, Jimmy O’Connell and Anthony Viney.

The Wednesday meetings are new to cater for day-workers, extra-enthusiasts and growing numbers. If you are interested, come to an Inklings meeting in the Annebrook Hotel either at 7.30pm on a Wednesday or at 11am on a Tuesday . (Cover charge: €5 per person)

In praise of Inklings by three members:

Inklings was great after Covid. I have met new people, new friends and am writing better – Brendan Mahon.

Joining an already established group can be daunting. One is fearful of cliques and hesitant welcomes. But my fears were unnecessary. I was warmly welcomed and had positive responses to my contributions.

I look forward to the Tuesday morning sessions where we writers are encouraged, get picked up when yet another rejection email is sent, and we are challenged to stretch our creative muscles.

During our time together we have formed firm friendships, received and given one another encouragement and advice, and more importantly the incentive to keep writing. After all, if one is a writer, one needs a community of writers to read to, offer and receive constructive recommendation, and the motivation to do what we do. Write – Jimmy O’Connell.

In a world that wants everyone to be the same, I have found a tribe that celebrates difference. Inklings is a gathering of fellow writers where uniqueness is not only accepted but cherished. I have found my tribe – Jacqui Wiley.

Signing up for Inklings

If you have an inkling to write, come to either the Tuesday morning meeting or the Wednesday evening meeting of the Inklings writing group. Just bring a writing device and let your imagination soar to the heavens… or the depths. It’s fun, creative and could be the start of a beautiful passion.