Drivers brave cold for St Patrick's fundraiser
The ‘Lit for Love’ tractor and truck run on St Valentine’s Day will hopefully become an annual event, the organisers say. Despite the cold weather on the Friday evening, there was a decent turnout and it raised good money for the Mullingar St Patrick’s Day Festival and Parade 2025.
The organisers offered thanks to those who took park and to Mullingar Rugby Club, who hosted hot drinks and refreshments at Shay Murtagh Park in Cullion for the drivers and their crews as well as the volunteers who looked after parking and stewarding and other responsibilities.
They also expressed gratitude to An Garda Síochána and John Bawle and colleagues at Mullingar Tidy Towns.
The committee are looking forward to the St Patrick’s Day Festival on March 15-17.
Westmeath County Council have confirmed road closing for St Patrick’s Day, from 10.30am to 6.30pm: Patrick Street (from Market Point), Grand Parade, Carey Bridge, Dominick Street, Oliver Plunkett Street, The Market Square, Pearse Street, Austin Friar Street, Millmount Junction, Mount Street, Church Avenue, Castle Street (junction with Bishopsgate Street and Friars Mill Road), Spoutwell Lane (junction with Austin Friars Street to junction at Friars Mill Road), Mary Street, Martins Lane, McCurtain Street, Grove Street, Railway Row, Green Bridge to Train Station.