Mullingar and District Gardening Club
At its recent annual flower arranging demonstration and buffet supper in Mullingar Park Hotel the Mullingar and District Gardening Club members and visitors enjoyed an informative and entertaining evening.
The guest floral artist was Audrey Healy from Moate, who created stunning arrangements using traditional colours and a wide choice of flowers. She strongly recommended the use of a wide variety of garden foliage, before adding the flowers, in order to enhance the appearance of an arrangement.
Also, she explained how to upcycle old containers such as boxes or empty paint tins often found in the garden shed. That, she said, would help the environment by saving the need to buy new plastic containers for every arrangement.
After a hot buffet supper, Audrey’s finished pieces of floral art, along with other prizes, were raffled. Tickets, as always, were in great demand and the proceeds, €270 were donated to TEAM (Temporary Emergency Accommodation Midlands) to support its essential work.
Club chairman Danny Dunne thanked Audrey on behalf of all present, and announced that the club’s annual general meeting would take place on March 20 in The Bridge and Amenity Centre, Mullingar, and that new members are always welcome.