Collinstown bottle bank site search goes on, Jones told

The search for a site for a bottle bank in Collinstown continues. Speaking at the February meeting of the Municipal District of Mullingar Kinnegad, Cllr David Jones asked for an update on his earlier motion asking that council-owned land be accessed to accommodate a bottle bank.

Cllr Jones said a site had been found but was not approved. “I can’t see any other solution,” he said, adding that he was passing it back to the council.

In reply, Cllr Jones was told that the council land in question is zoned for residential use; it may be possible to incorporate such facilities within the future development of the site, if appropriate.

In the short to medium term, the temporary installation of bottle banks there would require significant works – setting back the stone wall, reducing ground levels and creating a suitable safe setback with surfacing to accommodate bring banks and parking.

Westmeath County Council do not have a budget provision for that.

Such a development would require public consultation, including Part 8 approval, given the proximity of existing residential property.

“It will have to be revisited,” Cllr Jones insisted.

At the same meeting, Cllr Jones suggested that the council should provide additional funding to community groups to make up shortfalls in grant aid for lawnmowers and strimmers to maintain council owned heritage sites and graveyards.

He was told that the council do not provide additional funding above what Is provided through a variety of grants.

Cllr Ken Glynn suggested the issue be looked at again at the next monthly meeting.