Elijah FitzGerald-Shuddel and Rebecca Cole, who are in the same class at Gaelscoil an Choilín.

Elijah enjoying learning language of his new home

Elijah FitzGerald-Shuddel loves attending Gaelscoil an Choillín. When he started, he knew no Irish, but all that has now changed for him.

And, he admitted, he was looking forward to eating a pancake.

Also in Rang a hAon, Rebecca Cole, enjoys learning the language. “Ní raibh Gaeilge agam,” she says when asked if she spoke the language before starting school at Gaelscoil an Choillín.

Now, however, she finds it easy – although, she admits, when playing with her classmates, they tend to use Béarla more than Gaeilge.

In class, Rebecca actually prefers learning in Irish – that’s because she enjoys learning new words.

At home, sometimes her mother speaks to her in Irish, Rebecca says, adding that her father also uses Irish words sometimes.