Des and Geraldine Walsh at their shop on Oliver Plunkett Street.

'Time to put Walsh Jewellers to bed'

Geraldine and Des Walsh have announced that it is “time to retire gracefully and put Walsh Jewellers to bed”.

“Our family business has served the people of Mullingar, Westmeath and much further afield since 1917, and it breaks our heart that we can no longer do so,” Geraldine and Des said in a statement this week.

“Times change, as has the retail trade.

“‘Enhancement’, while it has made towns look more attractive, has been bad for business, in that it restricts access and reduces parking facilities, resulting in less footfall and little passing trade.

“Covid changed people’s lives and shopping habits. Many people shop online or only come as far as outlying shopping centres and supermarkets.

“The current world economy has increased the price of gold, putting it out of reach of many people.

“This has meant that many small and family businesses are closing and we have been unable to find a buyer for our business.

“Town centres all over Ireland are dying.

“We have had good times and difficult times and we greatly appreciate our loyal customers who have made it possible for us to serve you all these years. Those of you who came to purchase gifts, have your jewellery and watches repaired, seek advice or simply for a chat, you were all very welcome and we shall miss you.

“Our retirement sale will commence at midday on Wednesday March 26 with discounts of up to 50%.

“We would ask those of you who have repairs to collect or gift vouchers and credit notes to redeem to please do so before Easter.

“We do not wish to have any unfinished business when we say goodbye to Walsh Jewellers.

“Again thanks to everyone who supported us over the years and indeed became our friends. We hope that friendship will continue for many years to come.”