Argentine nationals help Millie raise the papal flag
The papal flag has been flying high over a Mullingar business premises since this morning (Thursday) – hoisted up for businessman Millie Walsh by his daughter’s boyfriend, Argentine national, Nahuel Colombo and his father, Luis Robert Colombo.
Less than 24 hours after news broke that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio – one of their countrymen - has been selected as pope Nahuel and Luis were over the moon with delight – a joy shared by Nahuel’s girlfriend, Koreen Walsh, daughter of Millie; and by her mother, Kathleen.
“I’m so happy: I couldn’t believe it,” said Nahuel, who is originally from Ushuaia, in the South of Argentina.
“I’m astonished!” he declared, explaining that although Catholic, prior to this, he had not given much attention to the role of the pope.
“But when the pope is from Argentina…!” he beamed, indicating that he would be taking a keener interest in Vatican affairs from now on.
Nahuel explained that his father, who is very devout, every Sunday watched the Sunday Mass broadcast on Argentine tv, which was regularly celebrated by Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francis.